October 17, 2024 The Astorian
I am endorsing Kerry Smith for mayor to protect Gearhart’s future. As a former mayor, I understand how well Kerry has navigated difficult issues in his 10 years as councilor and mayor in a political climate full of social media misinformation and cynicism.
Kerry, a 39-year resident, always puts the voice of our citizens first. He, and his fellow councilors and planning commissioners, have done an excellent job in recent years of protecting our residential neighborhoods, fighting against unlimited short-term rentals, and giving much needed financial relief to Gearhart small businesses during COVID, while allowing more revenue opportunities in our commercial zones than ever before.
While his opponent, Bob Morey, an international developer from Portland, wants to overdevelop the Gearhart Elementary School property along Pacific Way, and change Gearhart’s fundamental character, Kerry wants to preserve open space and protect neighboring property values. He believes in keeping Gearhart the quiet residential community we all know and love.
A vote for Kerry is a vote to protect Gearhart’s future.
October 17, 2024 The Astorian
As longtime Gearhart residents, we have known Mayor Kerry Smith as a friend, a businessman, councilman and mayor.
In his capacity as mayor, he has worked tirelessly to bring a much-needed public safety building to our community. The public safety building issue has created anger, discord and baseless rumors. Kerry is committed to move forward with plans for rebuilding to show Gearhart as a vibrant community.
We, as citizens, need to stop the divisiveness and, rather than criticizing online, attend meetings and offer constructive suggestions to reach our goal together.
Mayor Smith has spent countless hours working for our community. He is neither paid, nor does he seek any benefits. He does this because loves Gearhart. He works hard as a volunteer, at no pay, to improve Gearhart for all!
We will be casting our ballots for Mayor Smith, and we hope you will join us.
October 23, 2024 The Astorian
Vote for Kerry Smith for mayor, as well as Sharon Kloepfer and Paulina Cockrum for Gearhart City Council!
I have been going to City Council and Planning Commission meetings for about 20 years. I feel it is important to know firsthand what is happening with my city. Our City Council and Planning Commission members do not get paid. They are volunteers, either by vote or appointment.
I feel these three volunteers have done a great job for Gearhart because they are honest, trustworthy and have Gearhart’s well-being and future first and foremost in their minds and work ethics. A couple of examples are:
Our town has limited vacation rentals because of the ordinances that have been made, by our City Council members.
They have helped with the businesses, but also have kept our downtown commercial zone small.
The city is working very diligently, through many roadblocks, to make our new fire station a reality.
Please reach out to our leaders to ask questions, and don’t listen to rumors. Get the information firsthand. It’s all public information.
Help keep Gearhart, Gearhart!
Below are Previous Editorials from Running for Council in 2018…
Mayor Matty Brown
October 19, 2018 The Daily Astorian
I am endorsing Kerry Smith for Gearhart City Council, Position 1. As mayor of Gearhart, I have had the privilege of working with Kerry to help protect the values that make Gearhart, Gearhart.
Kerry’s record speaks for itself, as he has consistently voted to protect our residential properties, to protect our hard-earned taxpayer dollars, and has championed transparency and accountability for all public officials and city staff. Nowhere is that more evident than in his careful scrutiny of our city budget.
Kerry also believes, as I do, that bringing Gearhart into the 21st century can only be done by protecting the values of our comprehensive plan, and allowing our citizens’ voices to be heard. Kerry and our fellow councilors have done an excellent job of navigating difficult issues the last few years.
While we don’t always agree on every issue, the council has been very effective in finding solutions through citizen involvement and compromise. Kerry consistently puts the needs of our citizens as his top priority, and understands the true values of our low-density residential community.
A vote for Kerry Smith is a vote to protect the Gearhart we all know and love. That’s why I am endorsing Kerry Smith for Gearhart City Council.
Mayor Matty Brown
Russ and Nancy Taggard
October 11, 2018 The Daily Astorian
On Nov. 6, residents of Gearhart will have an opportunity to select City Council representatives for the upcoming term. I encourage all my neighbors to vote for Kerry Smith, who is seeking a second term. Kerry has shown himself to be a diligent and ethical voice for Gearhart, focused on building community in reaching common goals and maintaining a healthy environment.
On our City Council in the past four years, Kerry has shown his commitment to following the comprehensive plan and sustaining the livability of Gearhart. Please join me in voting for Kerry Smith as he continues his service to our town.
Russ and Nancy Taggard
Kent Smith
October 12, 2018 The Daily Astorian
I don’t know Jack Zimmerman, who is opposing Kerry Smith for his seat on the Gearhart City Council, but I have questions as to why he wants to serve on this body.
A mysterious letter from Jane Gable suggests that Kerry Smith removed some of Zimmerman’s signs (“Don’t steal campaign signs in Gearhart,” The Daily Astorian, Oct. 4). I don’t trust that Ms. Gable knows what she is talking about.
Mr. Zimmerman only registered to vote here in August, so he would probably be better off volunteering for participation on the budget committee or planning commission, where he could get better acquainted with how our city works.
I know that Kerry Smith is a very level-headed and honorable person. He deserves your vote.
Kent Smith
Susan Spring
October 12, 2018 The Daily Astorian
I would like to ask your consideration and support for a very diligent, honest and thoughtful public servant who is running for re-election this November.
Kerry Smith has served Gearhart well through a very decisive and important couple of years as we tackled short-term rentals. He proved himself a leader in addressing the situation with a cool head and understanding for both sides. He was for upholding the regulation without rancor. We need people on the council who work to bring Gearhart together, not seek divisiveness.
Susan Spring
Jeanne and Wilson Mark
October 12, 2018 The Daily Astorian
October 12, 2018 The Seaside Signal
Heartily Support Kerry Smith for City Council, Gearhart, Position 1
It is an honor for us to come out in full-throated support of Kerry Smith for re-election to the Gearhart City Council, Position 1. And here is why:
Over these past 4 years, Kerry has given thoughtful consideration and deliberation to the very pressing issues our city has faced. In fact, existential issues that rocked the very foundation of keeping Gearhart as it was intended to be at its 1918 incorporation……a primarily residential community. In this regard, he was a huge part of creating the short-term rental regulations, helping to carry Gearhart’s primarily residential community legacy forward.
He worked tirelessly to resolve the dune vegetation issue that so weighed the city down in the last few years.
Kerry believes in compromise and listening to the voices of his constituents.
He has an impressive voting record and a record of working well with the council.
Having lived in Gearhart for over 33 years, Kerry has a thorough understanding of our Comprehensive Plan. He realizes just what that means to the integrity and livability of Gearhart. He lives by this plan and by the city ordinances.
He believes in transparency and making sure his constituents are well-informed on all issues at hand, including the budget.
He is not afraid to stand his ground in support of the Comp Plan and the best interests of Gearhart.
Please join us in re-electing Kerry Smith.
Jeanne and Wilson Mark
Vickie Abrahamson
October 22, 2018 The Seaside Signal
October 23, 2018 The Daily Astorian
Dear Gearhart Voters,
You are the lucky ones! Your vote counts!!
I have owned a home in Gearhart for close to 25 years but because I vote in Minnesota, sadly, I will not get the chance to vote for Kerry Smith for another term on our City Council. I spend long stretches of time in Gearhart and like to attend the city council meetings. Often these meetings get heated, full of divergent, passionate opinions. Democracy in action, at its best.
Kerry Smith is as fair minded and smart as anyone I’ve known. As a council member he asks important questions that have been critical to understanding the many difficult issue facing a small town. In his first term it has been clear he’s a listener, always open to hearing divergent opinions on an issue. At the meetings his thoughts show he’s done his research. He digs down deep to get the full story without prejudgment. And, after weighing the ins and outs of an issue, Kerry can be depended upon to be a voice and a vote for the community good.
We need Kerry on the Gearhart council. Thank you,
Vickie Abrahamson
Judith and Jake Redekop
October 23, 2018 The Daily Astorian
We support Kerry Smith for Gearhart city councilor for these reasons:
• Kerry is a very good listener, willing to listen to his constituents, and act upon their suggestions.
• He has special expertise in water issues, and is very concerned that Gearhart has good, clean water.
• Kerry has lived in Gearhart for over 33 years, has deep roots here, and understands the issues facing our community.
• Kerry has run a successful remodeling and construction business, and knows the problems facing business.
• He was instrumental in constructing a very fair and equitable solution to the short-term rental issue.
This is why we support Kerry Smith for Gearhart city councilor.
Judith and Jake Redekop
Bill Berg
October 26, 2018 The Daily Astorian
These days, “Keep Gearhart Gearhart” is an easy slogan to use if you want to win a seat on the City Council. No one will argue with it, no matter what your ultimate agenda might be.
I’m sticking with the people who’ve actually walked the walk. They know the nuts and bolts of keeping Gearhart Gearhart, because they know and have followed the comprehensive plan (the city’s covenant with the community), and the ordinances that implement it.
They’ve been faithful to that plan all along, as their record on short-term rentals and dune vegetation (to name a couple of more recent issues) shows. Please join me in re-electing Kerry Smith and Paulina Cockrum to the Gearhart City Council.
Bill Berg
October 26, 2018 The Daily Astorian
In Gearhart, Jack Zimmerman has come on strong in an election that has lived up to the city’s history of spirited and vigorous debate.
Zimmerman is looking to unseat Kerry Smith, who was elected to City Council Position 1 in 2014. Paulina Cockrum, who was appointed in 2015, is running unopposed for Position 3.
It is tempting to believe, as Zimmerman proposes, that Gearhart has the option to bypass state housing goals that could require expansion of the urban growth boundary, but it is unlikely that challenge would succeed or be worth the resources.
Zimmerman’s aggressive stance on no growth is appealing, but the city’s inventory of buildable land already limits development. Short-term rental regulations, put into place while Smith was a member of the council and with his support, further limit commercial expansion and investor speculation that could threaten Gearhart’s commitment to enhancing its residential community.
Keeping the fire station at its current location at 698 Pacific Way, as Zimmerman proposes, may play well with some, but doesn’t make sense in case of a tsunami. Other locations, including the city park on Pacific Way on North Marion, provide the necessary elevation to meet a “medium-size” wave scenario.
Zimmerman has alleged the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has been negligent in its supervision of Gearhart’s elk herd, but we see little evidence that ODFW is not doing its job. Smith supports a “no-feeding” ordinance supported by other council members — a small first step.
Smith’s first term has promoted emergency disaster protection, sound environmental policy and maintaining the goals of the city’s original vision — so celebrated in the 100th anniversary year.
Smith has earned our vote in Gearhart.
SMITH for Gearhart Council
October 31, 2018 The Daily Astorian
I called the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife office to ask about the rampant hoof disease that Jack Zimmerman, candidate for Gearhart City Council, claims affects the Gearhart elk herd (“Gearhart elk indeed suffering hoof rot,” The Daily Astorian, Oct. 12). I suggest you also call them, if you want to verify this is not a problem. It is not.
But also, as I understand it, Fish and Wildlife cannot verify that there is absolutely no hoof disease, a common malady, in the herd. That would be like being asked to verify that no one has a cold in a large roomful of people.
This is not the only issue I have with Jack Zimmerman’s candidacy. What we need on our council is a person who both knows and respects the facts, not one who uses “fake news” and stirs up trouble, wasting city time and resources. This is why I am voting to re-elect Kerry Smith.
Carol Lucas
SMITH for Gearhart Council
November 2, 2018 The Daily Astorian
Open letter to my Gearhart neighbors and friends:
While I have owned a home here for 18 years, it is only in the past two years that I have become a permanent resident and voter. During this time, I was little more than a bystander in our town’s politics, and did not feel qualified to delve further. But, recent events compel me to speak up on behalf of Kerry Smith, who is running for re-election to the Gearhart City Council, Position 1.
Kerry approaches his role on the City Council with sincerity, honesty and an open mind. As a resident of Gearhart for 33 years, he fully believes in the importance of involving Gearhart residents in the decisions that affect them. Gearhart is changing, and Kerry knows that the comprehensive plan protects the town and its people. He understands what an amazing and strong community we have. He values the importance of working together with his fellow councilors, mayor, and you.
Kerry Smith, in his role as Gearhart city councilor, has been a positive influence on our town. Please join me in re-electing Kerry Smith. For information, go to kerryforcouncil.com
Anne Mesch
Re-Elect Smith in Gearhart
November 2, 2018 The Daily Astorian
Open letter to Gearhart Voters:
If you have not yet voted, please do so. And, please help re-elect Kerry Smith for Gearhart City Councilor, Position 1.
Kerry Smith is in your corner. He is not about creating problems. He is about finding solutions. He does not have all the answers, but Kerry is just as passionate about Gearhart as you are. He values everything about Gearhart that is important.
1. Of course, its beauty, not surpassed by many other towns.
2. The rural, small-town feel.
3. The overall kindness and care of the community.
4. The uniqueness of the town.
5. The amazing, real people that live here.
6. The indescribable environment.
7. The quality of life.
8. The overall honesty and down to earth values.
9. The individuality of people who call Gearhart home.
10. You.
Abraham Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” This statement encompasses the Comprehensive Plan of Gearhart, and the ideals held by its original writers. Please vote, Gearhart. Vote with your hearts and with your brains. Vote Kerry Smith for Gearhart City Councilor, Position 1.
Susan Edy